Mr Richard Cetti BSc. MBBS FRCS(Urol) FRACS
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Launceston Health Hub
243/247 Wellington Street
Launceston 7250
Is the complaint of waking at night to void.
It is described as 'nocturnal polyuria' when passing 1/3 of the total 24hr urine production overnight.
Affects approximately 60% of patients in their 60's.
It is is a notoriously difficult symptom to treat due to its multifactorial nature, and can be due to:
Dysfunction of the bladder and/or prostatic obstruction
Inappropriate fluid intake
Medications- diuretics, Ca-channel blockers, psychotropic drugs
Systemic illness- Sleep apnoea, Diabetes, Cardiac failure, Lymphoedema
Sleep disorders
Age related failure of the circadian cycle of ADH hormone.
Investigations will be tailored to determine the underlying cause and guide treatment.
Conservative Measures
Reduce fluid intake after 18.00 at night.
Avoid bladder stimulants- caffeine, alcohol.
Optimise medical conditions- sleep apnoea, diabetes, cardiac failure.
If you suffer with leg swelling use compression hosiery and/or elevate legs early in the evening.
Take Ca-channel blockers in the morning and diuretics mid-late afternoon.